The sun’s just rising this morning out at Hampden Rifle and Pistol Club and there’s a Patriot out here mowing the rifle range as we close out the final stretch of preparation for the Standby to Fly Benefit Match coming up June 2nd-4th.
I haven’t had much time lately to stop and take a breath, but I did this morning while I was watching my friend Dano mow and the time spent in reflection was humbling to say the least.
Thanks so much for everyone’s support—from the competitors to the sponsors—both large companies and the individual donors. Thanks especially to everyone behind the scenes—the volunteers, range staff, club members, and quartermasters who give selflessly to support our veteran nonprofit organizations. We don’t see the end results, only the money raised. I’d dare say that everyone involved has helped change lives for the better.
We hope to see a bunch of you out here at the match, it’s hard to imagine the volunteer shoot is just a short week from today.